Advisory Committee


  • Dr Stefano Vaglio (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
  • Dr Rebecca Biddle (Twycross Zoo, UK)
  • Dr Cerian Thatchley (BIAZA, UK)
  • Dr Miklós Persányi (Honorary Professor, Hungary)
  • Dr Silvia Riva (St Mary’s University,  UK)
  • Dr Ellen Williams (Harper Adams University, UK)


The primary purpose of the Advisory Committee is to provide expert advice, guidance and feedback throughout the project’s lifespan and after project end date, providing feedback on the project’s resources and its content, methodology and results.

This will involve ad hoc input and involvement in project activities as relevant and appropriate. The Committee will be made up of experts and stakeholders as relevant in the target sectors (higher education, zoos & aquariums), and include representation from all partner countries (UK, France, Italy, Hungary).

Terms of Reference

  • To offer expert advice, guidance and feedback throughout the project’s lifespan and after project end date, ensuring that there is an external presence to comment on the project throughout its lifetime;
  • To provide useful quality benchmarks through shared/own experiences;
  • To analyse issues such as organisational and management performance, partnership performance;
  • To evaluate the quality of implemented activities and results, ensuring that the final outcomes will have a wider impact beyond the immediate envisaged benefits;
  • To compare planned and unforeseen achievements;
  • To provide feedback on the project outputs and plans for exploitation as well as IPR protection;
  • To disseminate project information and outcomes within their networks to increase potential impact of project after project end date;
  • To support the project by widening coverage at local, regional, national and transnational levels.

Frequency of Meetings

The Committee will be asked to provide individual feedback and communication as appropriate and relevant, e.g. by meetings either direct or virtual, email, phone calls. This will involve ad hoc input and involvement in project activities as relevant and appropriate.

Virtual meetings will take place annually.


Agendas will be released by the lead partner’s principal investigator one week before the Steering Committee meeting.

After each meeting, the lead partner’s project manager will prepare the minutes which will need the approval of all members of the Committee, representing a point of reference for the project implementation.


The Steering Committee will be the body in charge for managing all conflicts, misunderstandings, requests for clarification, etc.
